Reporting events in your application

In your mobile or web application, you can use the MoonMail SDK or the MoonMail Events API to report usage data, or events, to MoonMail. You can report events to capture information such as session times, users' purchasing behavior, sign-in attempts, or any custom event type that you need.
By using the MoonMail SDK, you can call the MoonMail API to report any type of event with custom events.
Custom events
Are non-standard events that you define by assigning a custom event type. You can add custom attributes and metrics to a custom event.

Reporting events with the MoonMail SDK
You can enable JavaScript apps to report application usage events to MoonMail by using the MoonMail SDK. 
  • Integrate your app with MoonMail SDK. See Integrating the MoonMail SDK with your application
  • For more information about updating your app to submit events to MoonMail, see the MoonMail SDK documentation.
Reporting events with the MoonMail API
You can use the MoonMail API to submit events to MoonMail in bulk. For more information, see how to trigger events in MoonMail.
You've updated your app to report events. Now when users interact with your app, it sends usage data to MoonMail.