
When you create a campaign, you choose a segment to send that campaign to. A segment is a group of your contacts that share certain attributes. For example, a segment might contain all of your contacts who use version 2.0 of your app on an Android device, or all contacts who live in the city of Los Angeles. You can send multiple campaigns to a single segment, and you can send a single campaign to multiple segments.

There are two types of segments that you can create in MoonMail:

  • Imported segments – Segments that are created outside of MoonMail. When you create an imported segment, you upload a CSV file to MoonMail. The file is retrieved and creates new contacts based on the contents of that file. Imported segments are static—they never change. When you create a new segment, you can use an imported segment as a base segment, and then refine it by adding filters. For more information about importing segments, see Importing Segments.
  • Dynamic segments – Segments that are based on attributes that you define. Dynamic segments can change over time. For example, if you add new contacts to MoonMail, or if you modify or delete existing contacts, the number of contacts in that segment may increase or decrease. For more information about dynamic segments, see Building Segments.