Step 1: Add campaign details

The first step in setting up a campaign is to create a new campaign selecting the campaign type you need, the name, and description.

To begin creating a campaign

1. Choose Create campaign in the Campaigns section. When you create a campaign in MoonMail, you have to choose between two campaign types:

  • Scheduled campaign – Choose this option if you want to send a campaign only once. You can schedule it to be sent at a specific date and time. You can also schedule the campaign to be sent on a recurring basis. You can specify the frequency, as well as the start and end dates for the campaign.
  • Event-based campaign – Choose this option if you want to send the campaign when customers take certain actions, i.e., you can configure the campaign to be sent when a specific event occurs. For example, you can configure the campaign to be sent when a customer registers a new account, or when a customer adds an item to their shopping cart but doesn't purchase it (learn how to trigger events). You can only create event-based campaigns with a dynamic segment (as opposed to an imported segment). You can have up to 10 event-based campaigns running at the same time.
2. For Campaign name, enter a descriptive name for the campaign.
3. Optionally add a description in the  Campaign description. Using a description makes it easier to find or search for the campaign later.
4. Choose Next.