How can I cancel my MoonMail account?
You can cancel your MoonMail account at any time. If you are closing your account, consider contacting us first to inform us of your problem. We work very hard to make sure everything works, add new features and make everyone happy and we might be able to help you solve your problem!! Otherwise, we will be very sad to see you leave 😢
To cancel your account, visit your profile Settings. Then, go to the bottom of the page, where you will enter the ominous Danger Zone:
Remember that if you delete your account:
- You will not be able to access your account anymore
- Any data (such as Segments, campaigns metrics...) will be PERMANENTLY LOST
- You will lose your API access
If you are sure you want to go ahead, click the Delete account button and the system will ask you to confirm this action:
Remember, once you type delete and click on Delete account there is no turning back!!